Monday, April 02, 2007

This year's existential exam topic

1) Love is more than pulling petals from a daisy. Discuss


Rosie said...

You have it all wrong, apparently:

"Love Is
Fantastic low prices on records
Buy it. Sell it. Love it. eBay."

Mairéad said...

"He loves me. He loves me not...."
Ah, God be with the days when we ladies had a fool-proof, accurate method of finding out the answer to that age-old question!

Liam G said...

Rosie:It all comes down to shopping in the end, is that what you're saying? Such cynicism in one so young and obviously beautiful:-)

Mairéad: Stop now, nobody was ever that gullible:-)

Rosie said...

But it really must, shopping is the key. Just check this out: Surely if it's a 'Virgin' product it must be a trustworthy and reliable source, whereas pulling petals off a daisy is merely left to chance and romance. You're not suggesting you one of the romantic kind :-) And then you take the hugely successful 'Shopping for Love' reality TV show in Australia, now we all know how they are a true reflection of life as we know it!

Liam G said...

R: I can see I'm going to have to put the comment moderation back in place on this blog:-)My irony meter has just redlined. As for 'shopping for love' I've heard that folk who do that end up spending a lot more on prescription charges in the end

Liam G said...

Just checked that Virgin link and have to confess I'm smitten. The sexy off-the shoulder look and the group sex option is hard to resist. Now if only they came in peacock feathers and sequins:-)

Rosie said...

It seems that you have found your answer to love, need we discuss further! To fulfill your ultimate love experience do please use my personal shopping company and get those feathers and sequins:

Liam G said...

Madam, you offer a challenge I find beguiling in its directness. Perhaps we should arrange an assignation. The next masque ball at the Doge's Palace perhaps. I shall await you in the 3rd gondola from the left :-)

Rosie said...

You scallywag! Now I did not say that I would be adorning said sequins and peacock feathers. But should you now insist, do tell, what should your own outfit be (in detail please) lest I forget to count to 3 and in my excitement muddle my left from my right :-)

Liam G said...

I think this is called going off-topic, is it not? My gondola will be easy to spot. It's the one bearing the family crest: 3 riding crops and a unicorn rampant:-)

Rosie said...

I completely refute the suggestion of going of topic! I've taken some time to review and research my fears and meaning behind my query of your outfit. There are many that have alternative views on love and this group: talk often about wolves in sheeps clothing. I was merely trying to ascertain your leanings before booking my flight :-)

Liam G said...

Hey they sound like a nice bunch, but speaking as a wolf in wolf's clothingI can only say Wooof!